As a freelance Graphic Designer and Illustrator for Barefoot Wine, I create content for the various social channels associated with the E&J Gallo-owned wine brand. Working alongside the Creative Social Team, I was responsible for the conception and production of fun, playful, and vibrant designs and animations to use across Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and blog posts for barefootwine.com. One of my main projects during my assignment was illustrating animated Giphy stickers for use on Barefoot Instagram stories.
Giphy stickers illustrated for Pride and new Barefoot Pride month packaging.

Giphy stickers illustrated for Summer and new Barefoot seltzer packaging.

Instagram content for the @barefootwine account.

Social content for the Barefoot Wine Pinterest account.

Illustrated assets done by me for Barefoot social channels.

Concept sketches done by me during initial brainstorming phase vs. the resulting image posted on Barefoot social. I provide sketches and propping notes for product photoshoots promoting Barefoot products.
Adobe Illustrator // Hand Illustration // Adobe Photoshop