Beatrice Greene and the Case of the Floating Bees is a middle-school aged novel about a girl who wants to save the environment. "B" and her friends go on a mission to start a recycling program at their school and together solve the mystery of who is try to sabotage their plan. I was lucky enough to be able to illustrate Patti Buratti-Cushing's book from start to finish, with hand illustrations and full formatting in InDesign.

I created a handmade reproduction of the classic science fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, a story that I have loved since I was a child. The entire book was designed delicately in Adobe InDesign and hand assembled.
The book consists of hand-folded and hand-stitched signatures which were then cased into a handmade book case made of book board, book paste, and black flocked book cloth. My original illustrations make up the endsheet pattern and chapter openings.

Pattern I illustrated for use on the inner covers and chapter headings.

Adobe InDesign // Adobe Illustrator // Illustration // Book Binding Tools